Welcome to GSOFamilies!

Welcome to GSOFamilies - the all-inclusive resource for families in the Greensboro, NC area. Any information shared on our website, twitter page, Facebook page, or Facebook group may also be included on our website! Please see a full listing of our social media and community groups here: http://www.gsofamilies.com/p/gsofamilies-social-media-and-community.html
We’re glad you’re here!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

New Entries!

We've updated our Best of Greensboro with the latest nominations and recommendations! There is still time to submit your favorite local businesses to be included in our directory. Plus, recommending businesses gives you a chance to win a gift card to Great Harvest Bread Company in Friendly Center! See the details here: http://gsofamilies.com/2012/07/12/nominate-and-win/ and know that there are very very few people entered to win at this point - so you have great odds of winning just for submitting your nominations!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Nominate and Win!

GSOFamilies is so pleased to announce that Great Harvest Bread Company in Friendly Center has graciously offered to donate a gift certificate to one lucky local resident! In order to be entered to win, all you need to do is submit recommendations for our Best of Greensboro directory on GSOFamilies. For every FIVE (5) recommendations you submit during July 2012, you'll be entered to win the gift card to Great Harvest Bread Company. So, if you submit 10 nominations, you'll have two chances to win, or submit 20 recommendations and have four chances to win! Winner will be randomly chosen on or after August 1, 2012. Please see the Best of Greensboro page on GSOFamilies, or read below to learn how to submit your nominations.

And please, go LIKE both Great Harvest Bread Company on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/gr8harvestGSO) and GSOFamilies on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/GSOFamilies) - and feel free to share with your friends!
Best of Greensboro

We accept submissions or nominations from local Greensboro families to be included in Best of Greensboro, our business and resources directory. Browse through our categories to find local businesses that other Greensboro families think you should support, or submit your favorite local businesses to be included!

Email gsofamilies@gmail.com with your submission or nomination. Please include:

  • Your first name and last initial

  • The name of the business

  • The Best of Greensboro category

  • A short explanation of why you’re nominating that business

  • The website, Facebook page, and address of the business (if available)

Please note, this is intended to be recommendations by local families, for local families. This is not intended to be a comprehensive list of businesses. If you are a local business owner, we encourage you to ask your customers and/or clients to nominate you!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

You could win!

In an effort to build up our Best of Greensboro directory listing, we're going to offer you a chance to win a gift card to a local

Monday, July 9, 2012

Updates 7/9

Today we updated the Best of Greensboro directory with recommendations for preschools, photographers, kid's activities, libraries, parks, and more. Check it out, share the link with your friends, and submit your own nominations of local businesses to include. This directory will be a great way for local families to seek out local businesses that other Greensboro families have had good experiences with!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Best of Greensboro nominations

Nominations for our Best of Greensboro listing of family friendly, family recommended businesses are starting to come in! Check out the businesses other local families like to support, and suggest your own favorites to be included! Just visit our home page www.GSOFamilies.com and click on Best of Greensboro!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th from GSOFamilies!

Happy 4th of July! We hope you're enjoying the day with your family. Stay tuned in the next several days as we ask for assistance building up our "Best of Greensboro" directory of recommendations by local families, for local families. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


The GSOFamilies calendar is up and running! Visit our site and click the link at the top menu bar. If you have events to submit, follow the instructions on the webpage and we'll add them!

Featured Business

Featured Business
Clean your home faster, with better results & fewer chemicals, for less money!