I received this email today, and wanted to pass it along.
The email I received:
I work in the Music Department at UNCGreensboro, and will be starting the third iteration of a class titled Ukulele for Two (Thursday, January 9). Classes are designed for children ages 8-13, and one parent/guardian. *8-year old participants are welcome. However, to be successful, 8-year old participants need common home-practice time with the adult participant.
Classes will meet on Thursdays from 6:30 - 7:30 PM in the Music Building at UNCG. Attached to this email is a document that includes the date schedule and materials required for the class. Other than purchasing your own instruments, tuners, and books, there are no costs for participating in the class. The only cost we foresee is parking in the deck at the music building, and the unlikely need for a replacement string (usually Low G - $2.50 per string). Please let me know if you remain interested in participating in participating in Ukulele for Two. And please feel free to let others know about the class.
Thank you, Sandra Teglas, Ph.D. Program Coordinator Music Research Institute School of Music, Theatre, and Dance at the University of North Carolina Greensboro (336)256-2581
Attachment: Ukulele For Two Information and Materials https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TOf2kLH0jSIVnuSvUKWn2h7QIILA76STXdYJgvjLuHhfxsZJnhvjtdNwQfeTSModGoHnKQvgVqb58SDh/edit?usp=sharing