Post from
Child Development Researchers at UNCG
is an important human capacity that allows us to mentally relive our past. Our
memories form the basis for our sense of self, guide our thoughts and
decisions, influence our emotional reactions, and allow us to learn from our
mistakes. Given this importance,
developmental researchers at UNCG are dedicated to studying how our memory systems
develop. We study how children think and
learn, and how the brain areas that support memory develop in infancy,
childhood and adolescence. Below we briefly
describe some strategies parents/guardians
can employ to promote the development of strong memory systems in children,
based from research findings.
1) Provide a healthful, nutritious diet and encourage physical activity. It has been shown that the brain is sensitive
to good nutrition and health. This is
especially critical during pregnancy and in the child’s first few years of life,
when the brain is rapidly changing. But even
after this period, good nutrition and health remains important. New research suggests that certain areas of
the brain continue to develop later than previously believed. For example, brain regions that support memory
(hippocampus and prefrontal cortex) show changes even into late childhood and
2) Speak with pre-school and school-aged children often about their day
and other past events. Research has shown that parent-child conversations
have an impact on memory development. Ask questions and provide narrative
structure when talking about memories of past events with your child. Carefully
listen to your child as they report on past memories, while also expanding on
the events during the conversation, and providing comments that confirm or
negate the child’s statement (e.g., “That’s right”, “Yes”, “No”). It has been shown that parents who more often
use this type of “reminiscing” style have children who remember past events
better than those whose parents were less elaborative.
3) For pre-verbal infants and toddlers, memory games are a fun way to engage with children and also help them
learn. For example, you can play the
“imitate me” game: perform multiple
simple actions using different objects, and then give the objects to your infant
(immediately or after a delay) and encourage them to do the actions just like
you did in the same order. This is a
method that researchers often use to test memory in infants who can’t tell us
what they remember. As infants grow, they remember more actions, remember more
actions in the correct temporal order, and remember for longer and longer
delays. Infants and children are fascinating and remarkable learners!
-- Dr. Jeni Pathman, MDLaB Director, Psychology
Department, UNCG
The Memory Development (MDLaB: Memory Development Learning
and Brain) and the DUCK Lab (DUCK: Development and Understanding of Children's
Knowledge) are a non-profit research center dedicated to the study of
children’s cognitive and social development.
We are located in the Eberhart Building at University of North Carolina
Greensboro. We are thankful to the parents and families who support our
For more
information about the research center, please visit previous GSOFamilies post (
We can be reached at
or 336-256-0048.