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Welcome to GSOFamilies - the all-inclusive resource for families in the Greensboro, NC area. Any information shared on our website, twitter page, Facebook page, or Facebook group may also be included on our website! Please see a full listing of our social media and community groups here: http://www.gsofamilies.com/p/gsofamilies-social-media-and-community.html
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Monday, September 29, 2014

GSOFamilies 2nd Annual Small Business Bazaar


GSOFamilies was founded with the intent of encouraging and supporting local businesses. I am incredibly pleased to announce we are hosting the GSOFamilies 2nd Annual Small Business Bazaar to help promote and support our local members, crafters, and business people, and provide a venue for easy, local shopping for all of your holiday needs!

The GSOFamilies 2nd Annual Small Business Bazaar will be held on Saturday, December 6, 2014 from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm at First Friends Meeting House (2100 West Friendly Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27403). The event will be in the downstairs Fellowship Hall (not the main upstairs sanctuary). Join the Facebook event here https://www.facebook.com/events/460364854103198/ and/or the Meetup event here http://www.meetup.com/GSOFamilies/events/210271172/

Confirmed vendors:
Birch Tree Crafts - Hand made crafts such as jewelry, scarves, baby blankets, picture frames, and a few paintings.  The bulk of the items will be hand made jewelry.
Paisley Pants Studio - Christmas ornaments, paper crafts, gift baskets.
Hopestrings - Teething/nursing/fabric necklaces. Fabric bracelets in 3 sizes - 2 adult sizes and one child size. All handmade. Also some doTERRA oil things like sprays. But the necklaces and bracelets are the main focus.
Premier Designs Jewelry - Jewelry and jewelry supplies.
Fiddler Farms - Handmade soap,  candles,  lotion,  and other bath products.
Bling-Badda-Bling - Unique necklaces, bracelets and rings made by hand.  Bold and dramatic statement pieces that attract attention, interest and engagement. Playful and colorful theme bracelets depicting sea scenes and holiday cheer with universal appeal. Affordable, signature pieces for the little black dress, professional attire and students ahead of the class!
Origami Owl - Living Lockets, charms,  chains,  earrings and bracelets.
Rebecca Lange, Norwex Independent Sales Consultant - Helping you improve quality of life by radically reducing chemicals in your home, kitchen, cleaning products, and personal care products.
[table 7 creative] - hand knitted wearables and toys, resin/epoxy magnets and jewelry.
Abby Staves, doTERRA Wellness Advocate - I sell a wide variety of essential oils, supplements, and wellness products to enhance and improve your health and lifestyle.  I offer lots of different informative classes that cover many different topics!  Please contact me about hosting a class!  Hostesses will receive some great oily gifts from me.
Painted Events - Services, Bridal & Event makeup, gift certificates,  themed parties. Christmas, birthday, new years, Superbowl, corporate events. I also sell handmade jewelry.
B. Creative - hand crocheted scarves, and hats,  Novelty children hats.  Christmas decor.
Brass Rayle Studio - Matted prints of art work, Small framed art work
United Society of Friend’s Women (USFW) - Lb. size bags of pecans, Cup ‘O Recipe Cups
Ava-Anderson - Organic, Non-Toxic products including: make-up, skin care, baby care, pet care, household cleaners, pet care, and more.
Tupperware - Exceptional designs for categories including food preparation, cookware, knives, upscale serveware, time savers and more!
MDLab and Duck Lab of UNCG - We are setting up a recruitment table with information about our developmental psychology labs and offer toys and crafts for the kids attending the event

Door Prizes:
Birch Tree Crafts - A necklace and matching earrings.
Mrs. Wannamaker's Tutorial - One free initial evaluation for new students (a $30 value) or one free session for returning students (a $35 value).
Paisley Pants Studio - Bath Towel cake
Hopestrings - Adorable handmade Mommy and Me bracelet set.  Mom can wear a triple strand bracelet that is stylish and comfortable and can also serve to keep a baby distracted with something clean and safe to play with or chew on. The child's size can be tied as a single strand for a bigger wrist and doubled for a smaller one. Safe and comfortable for a little one to wear. Value $23.
Premier Designs Jewelry - $25 Premier Designs Gift Card, redeemable through Kristen Brown, Premier Designs Jewelry Lady
Fiddler Farms - Gift Basket with handmade bath and body items.
Bling-Badda-Bling - Original impressionistic oil painting, framed.
Origami Owl - Core Chain and dangle
Rebecca Lange, Norwex Independent Sales Consultant - $25 Norwex Gift Certificate, redeemable through Rebecca Lange, Norwex Independent Sales Consultant
[table 7 creative] - knitted hat or toy, set of magnets and/or stitch markers for knitting
Abby Staves, doTERRA Wellness Advocate - Introductory Kit of doTERRA essential oils, retail value $26.67
Painted Events - Face painting/ cheek art, or glitter tattoos for up to 15 children/ adults. 1 hour max. (Normal rate is $60.00 an hour for parties).
B. Creative - Origami snowflake ornaments
Brass Rayle Studio - Piece of art
United Society of Friend’s Women (USFW) - Door prize donation info coming soon!
Ava-Anderson - Ava Anderson Lemon Body Scrub
Tupperware - $49 value, Rectangular Cake Taker

GSOFamilies Small Business Bazaar 2014

If you are a local businessperson, crafter, artist, or are interested in participating in the GSOFamilies 2nd Annual Small Business Bazaar in any way, please fill out the form below. Vendor spaces will allow for one 6' table plus standing/sitting space. You must provide your own table!

We are asking vendors to pay a nominal fee of $30, and also donate a door prize (value of approximately $25) to be raffled off at the bazaar. Proceeds from the raffle will be used to adopt a local family for the holidays, on behalf of GSOFamilies.
Electricity will be available for vendors (please bring your own extension cord), and while we will do our best to ensure wi-fi is available for vendors, we cannot guarantee availability.

Vendor Application Deadline: October 30, 2014 (update 11/3: we still have 3 spaces available, first come, first served!)

Vendors will be notified of their inclusion in our event by November 7, 2014, and the Vendor Fee ($30) is due within 48 hours of notification (paid via PayPal, Amazon Payments, Credit Card, Check, Cash, or Money Order) to reserve the space. In the event that a vendor declines the space, we will continue through all applications until all spaces are filled.

Vendors, please complete the form below with your interest. We will allow multiple vendors to share a space - we ask that each vendor completes the form below. We are limiting the event to 20 vendors.

If you are a local business and interested in donating a door prize, please email gsofamilies@gmail.com prior to November 15, 2014 with your donation information. Proceeds from the raffle will be used to adopt a local family for the holidays, on behalf of GSOFamilies.

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